San Francisco


I’ve never listened to the new Adele album before. Maybe a few songs besides ‘Hello” in friends’ cars, but here I am, finally sitting down and re-listening to “When We Were Young” on YouTube, a live edition. Dang. I had to move coffee shops because since I work from a problematic PC that dies within 30 minutes, I needed an outlet. I found a place a fifteen-minute walk away from Sightglass, one of my favorites, and instead of the people around me being on Photoshop, or Facebook, here I am surrounded by people writing code. This is a nice change. Should I ask them to code for me? There’s Ed to my right, Andrew to my left. As I type, I changed the font size of this post to ‘small’ because I didn’t want them to see what I was writing. I only know their names because Ed’s badge is hanging on this hip and Andrew here answered a phone call.

This is quite cool. I didn’t really expect to be back in San Francisco, but this is the third trip here in the past month and a half or so. The first time, I wanted to head up here because I was technically already in NorCal because of a shoot in Yosemite. I really thought it would be my last for awhile so I crammed in everything. The second time was two weeks later for President’s Day weekend. The third now, for more photo fun. I felt like writing about all three experiences in one and including all the photos from each trip. Today was awesome because I didn’t have an agenda and I felt like I could just chill, walk, and this was truly the first time completely alone in the city, car-less.

After spending some time in Yosemite and Sacramento, I drove up to San Francisco solo for the first time in late-January. It was cool having a car here, and also a huge pain. It was a mix of venturing solo and with friends because I had some homies from Sydney in town and we got to hang out a lot. My last time in SF was in December 2012. I recall it being a very miserable season except for the fact that Les Miserable came out on Christmas, ironic. It was also a memorable time because the photos that I first took my travel photography a bit more seriously.

I took the San Rafael bridge into Sausalito because before entering, I needed to see the headlands for the first time. (I forgot about the toll thing and totally, willingly got a ticket). So lame.

In the morning, I was ready to see the city. I stopped by Golden Gate park to see the bison and then Sutro Baths for the first time. I walked to the other side of the structures where I watched a fisherman do his thing for a little while, meanwhile, taking my time with photos. When I was finishing up, I got splashed by a bigger wave that made it’s way over the ledge. When getting ready to leave, I made sure to time my departure correctly to not get splashed again, and OF COURSE, I got drenched by an even bigger wave, but this time, a bunch of art students were sketching and I really hope they didn’t notice how wet my hair and pants were. I couldn’t stand it for very long, so I went back to change. I later met up with my Aussie mates at Pier 39, reparked because they didn’t see the sealions yet, and we got donuts and walked around for a bit. We ended that adventure by the Pier by heading to Fort Point and walking across the bridge at sunset.


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The rest of this trip before heading down the coast involved lots of Blue Bottle, Coit Tower, Marin Headlands again, Union Square Nike Store during Superbowl season, Chinatown, Mr. Holmes Bakehouse, and criminals.


As for trip number two, Napa Valley wine tastings, more Sightglass, biking across the bridge, and a weird pillow fight.

Number three consisted of an engagement shoot, a day spent riding BART, and Sightglass, and here where I am now.