It was pretty last minute when I decided that I was going to Spain, specifically the Canaries. It was easier putting the pieces together for the big stuff: like a flight to Madrid or the place where I would get churros (yes, a big deal). I knew I would fly into Lanzarote eventually, but didn’t put together a plan to see the island with so much to think about! I was really fortunate I had friends to figure that out for me. Sometimes I get so caught up in doing things myself and it was so good to let go and go with the flow this time.
I was really stoked that I had a place to stay for twenty bucks and a few awesome Portuguese & Spanish muyayos to hang out with. Little did I know that I just made friends who I would be having the time of my life with for the next week. Today I think about these people every day since being home and they are my newest dear, dear friends. They had the brilliant idea of flying into Lanzarote a day early and seeing this beautiful island and I wasn’t not one bit sad that I had to leave mainland Spain early.
Lanzarote is one of the larger islands of the Canaries. Crazy volcanic rock formations, black sand beaches, and beautiful white buildings and homes. I rarely travel with photographers, let alone 9-10 of them. It was really cool to see everyone’s perspective of the one place on Earth we’d be traveling together and not really having to ask strangers to take photos for you.
I hope you enjoy these photos. Just us, our camera, two cute rental cars, and my coffee stained chucks. These are from the first and second day of meeting the strangers I now know I am long-distance friends with forever.