Copenhagen, Denmark

The only reason why I decided to go to Copenhagen was because it was the cheapest city to fly into to get to Rome. However, my friend Kelly who studied abroad in London years back told me that Copenhagen was awesome and I even remember some of the images she showed me back then.

One of the Scandinavian countries I’ve always wanted to visit is Norway, however I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to visit the land of bikes, boats, tons of Viking history, and some of my favorite architecture and fashion. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to end my trip on being that it was the only city that I knew no one in, or so I thought! Also, there’s a job that I was interested in here, so getting a feel for the city for a few days definitely helped shape some dreams that I may or may not still have.

I flew in from Barcelona on a Friday and arrived in Copenhagen around 5pm. I already knew that Scandinavia would be pretty pricey so I had to be careful about my budget. Last year, when I really started traveling solo I fell in love with every hostel I stayed in so I booked a room at the Generator which is an amazing choice because it was right in the middle of the city according to my friend Christina that I met in Barcelona as well. After taking the metro to the center of the city, I walked to the hostel, checked in, and found no one in my room that was supposed to be for eight. I was able to shower and pack and kind of relax before I decided what I would do.

YES. A couple hours later, this girl arrived and she ended up becoming my Copenhagen companion for a lot of moments during this trip. Her name is Camille. She was studying in France for a year, but is a native of Sydney. Need to visit her one day!

We were so hungry so we went across the street to get a burger. It was called Hot Buns and it was amazing and exactly what I needed. I think were even split fries and just talked about how expensive things were in the city. We headed back to our room after I changed my shoes which were still hurting from all the blisters from the previous cities. We saw a beautiful sunset over The King’s Garden, Kongens Have. The night ended as with us just heading back to the hostel and playing foosball with some German dudes who were kind of hogging it.

One of my favorite parts about the last night in Copenhagen was going to a traditional Danish restaurant with Ryann and Camille. We ate tons of meat, talked for a couple hours, and the sides were to die for. I mean, just look at this pamphlet. Look at how much food he is holding. That’s basically what it looked like and we had a plate each. We talked for so long that we lost track of time and ran down the street in the rain to Bertel’s Salon which had the best cheesecake I have ever had. We snuck the food back into the hostel bar area and ate our cheesecakes there. Will never forget.

Goodness, I remember the flight home was so early. I got all my stuff ready to go in the dark to not wake anyone up and it was dawn when I walked to Nyhavn to get breakfast. He’re a photo post-limping to last stop before flight! Emmery’s on Strandstræde!