Transition to the Max

I leave for Peru in one week. I also must move out of my apartment before then. And get ready to work remotely. Oh boy. It felt like only yesterday when I had been anticipating this move for so long and I told myself and everyone that I had eight months. Eight months that turned into six. Six months that in a blink of an eye, have turned into one week.

It’s been a crazy couple months. Some of the best ever. Some of the most stressful. I’m really excited for Peru and also feel like I have so much to do that I’m spinning in circles feeling like I’m not getting anything done at all. Like usually I’m really good at responding to emails, but every time I get one I throw my phone across the room and then go chase after it and then scroll instagram for funny videos for 25 minutes. Who am I?

I ask a few things of you.

    1. Pray for my peace and sanity. The ability to move out efficiently, find the help I need, that people buy furniture, that I don’t get kidnapped or eaten alive in the scary storage unit.
    2. That people donate Christmas gift money for the kids in Peru. We shop in the local stores for the gifts!
    3. Be on the lookout for great apartment deals in Costa Mesa. It’s really set on my heart to live there being that I am there virtually everyday for work. Looking to move in January 2018.
    4. Summer 2017 was huge for weddings this year and I’m really feeling the burn on meeting some deadlines. I need creative juices to flow so I can deliver the best content for my clients and don’t want to just rush through it.
    5. Keep our tiny five-person Peru team in your thoughts and prayers. We want to stay healthy, energetic, flexible, and unified. [] Would love if you considered donating or purchasing a print or two to cover some last minute costs as well. Thank you to all people who have donated so far. Can’t put into words how much it means.
    6. God is up to something real good. He has been for the past couple years. I’m freaked out and excited and anxious and at peace all at the same time. These next few months are going to be insane.
    7. If you know my parents, tell them not to freak out either. I’m not about to buy a van to live in. [Although I may have perused Craigslist a couple times out of curiosity.]

2 responses to “Transition to the Max”

  1. LOVE YOU chris and I are praying be safe let God guide your way! Xoxox

  2. I am extremely confident you will pull through with osem results. You are in my prayers daily. I love you so much.